powr of you

Introducing: Powr of You

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**We will be profiling each company joining Collider’s Class of 2015. Take the time to learn a bit more about them and keep an eye on what’s to come over the next few months!**

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Who are you and what do you do?

Powr of You is a data marketplace for consumers and brands to learn and earn from each other.

With Powr of You, Consumers learn about their online footprint and quantified self through beautiful visualizations, while they earn rewards with our revenue share model. Brands learn about their consumers' cross-platform habits, interests, media consumption to make data backed decisions to improve marketing ROI. Brands also earn consumer confidence and loyalty by being consumer privacy champions.

Our consumer facing site is live at www.powrofyou.com and the brand analytics site is in beta being developed alongside pilot partners.

Who are your co-founders & give us one line about each of you!

We are a brother-sister duo. Our quest to answer the question "Why don't we [consumers] get paid for all the data we create?" led us to create Powr of You.

Keshav is a tech geek, a recent alumnus from London Business School with strategy and risk consulting background at Deloitte prior to his MBA and at LinkedIn and Telefonica during the MBA.

Shruti brings ideas and solutions to reality, with over seven years experience spanning strategy, operations and technology consulting with Accenture focused on Consumer Goods, Healthcare and Retail, before and after an MBA from London Business School.

Where in the world are your headquarters?

Headquarters are London, UK

What excites you most about London (one startup point and one non-startup point!)?

London has a bursting startup scene and that brings a lot of excitement, visibility and support for early stage startups. On a more personal note, it’s a new home for us. After living in India and the San Francisco Bay Area for most of our life, we weren’t expecting to love a city as much as we love London, in all its flavours of people, industries, and culture.

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What insight (competitive advantage, new perspective etc.) are you bringing to the Madtech industry?

Data is the currency of tomorrow. And that’s what we’re helping people enterprise on by building Powr of You. We are changing the Madtech industry by bringing consumers to the table. Instead of being unknowing bystanders, we are giving people an active role to understand and realize value from their data footprint. People also have the opportunity to view their own lifestyle in a quantified way to understand their own online brand and habits through personal insights.

On the other hand, we’re truly bringing marketers closer to their consumers. We’re using consumer’s opt-in data to drive up-to-date, accurate, cross-platform insights about consumer behaviour to improve the return on their marketing investment by being more relevant to their consumers.

What is one challenge you have had to overcome since beginning your journey?

The biggest challenge was building something with our big vision in mind but in a resource constrained setup. In our professional careers there has been an abundance of resources to tap into, which is starkly different than our startup journey.

Tell us about how Collider can (and hopefully will) help you over the next four months.

We are very excited to be part of the Collider 2015 Cohort! It has been an invaluable chance for us to sit across the table from client decision makers of major brands and agencies, Unilever, Ogilvy, Camelot, and Havas Media - to name a few. Simply put, Collider has propelled us significantly towards finding the product-market fit rapidly through exposure to their brand and agency partners, their mentors, and their investors.

We started the program, and continue, with the thought: "Let's do this!"

Here's a funny fact you didn't know about us!

We both love to dance, especially Bollywood.
