Paul Graham

Why Collider? From our Startups

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"Being a part of the Collider Class of 2014 has been without question, the best decision and most rewarding experience of my career, and I would wholeheartedly recommend Collider to any start-up."  Carl Wong, LivingLens

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Here at Collider, we’re experts in finding that sweet spot between brands and marketing/advertising startups - or Madtech startups as we like to call them. We pride ourselves on bringing innovative founders in front of major global brands (real customers) to build a product people really want- to paraphrase Paul Graham. Applications for our January 2015 program are now open and we’re looking for you to join our Collider family.

We focus on three things: cash, coaching and connections. First off, the cash: This year is even bigger and better than we could have imagined. We’ve brought together even more angel investors from the marketing and advertising world, meaning more expertise and also more cash, for our startups. This year, we are now offering up to £150K funding per company. And, that’s just the starting point…

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"The support systems they put around a company is worth its weight in gold." - Sam Oakley, Stashmetrics

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"What is it like working with Collider? It’s like having an expert partner always with you. A year and half on, and we’re still getting value. It was probably the best months we have invested in our company."– Phil Mundy, Beem

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Next up, the coaching. We’re comprised of a diverse group of successful entrepreneurs with decades of experience behind their belts here to help you accelerate and fine tune your product. There are plenty of skills to learn as a startup founder, from pitching to listening, cash flows forecasting to product roadmap development. We’re here to help you learn. Feeling overwhelmed? Your dedicated coach works with you on a one-to-one basis for two hours every week throughout the programme- they’ll keep you focused from beginning to end. Over to you Carl:"Before Collider I felt that I needed an hour to explain what we offered, but now if I get 10 minutes with someone that's enough to listen and deliver a pitch.” And what’s more, there’s an even larger network of investors popping by every month to give in their feedback between workshops.

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“The mentoring process has been a fantastic accelerator for the business. It's much more about the being on our side of the table, partnering with us and working through the issues than a normal supplier/customer relationship." - Andrew Foyle, Miappi

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"The benefits for us working with Collider have been the introductions they've made to the brands and to get in front of people in those businesses. Ultimately you’ve got to listen what people are saying, listen to the advice that people give you and make your decisions out of that." - Iain Hagger,CampaignAmp

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Last but certainly not least, connections- this is where we don’t hold back. During our 17 week programme, we’re bringing you, the most innovative entrepreneurs and their game changing ideas face-to-face with the UK’s senior executives of the most influential global brands- think Unilever, Diageo and the National Lottery. They’ll be giving you first-hand feedback on your product and how to find that perfect product-market fit. Think years of research and testing boiled down into a few months’ time. We've done most of the hard work - just bring your game face and go-to attitude.

What’s next? You. Together we’re shaping the future of advertising and marketing to consumers, and want you to be a part of it. Not sure if this we’re the right fit for you? We’ve got some guidelines for the types of B2Brand startups we’re looking for this year. Need more info? Contact miles at collider. io he will be happy to answer all of your questions!

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“With Collider you can bring forward by months the time at which you start to generate revenue. That’s because of the brands that they introduce you to, and the high intensity of the Collision Phase - meaning you don’t make those time-consuming mistakes at the beginning.” – Stashmetrics
