
When Applying to an Accelerator

[spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom="no" pb_border_bottom="no" width="1/1" el_position="first last"] We’ve all been there – it’s crunch time, late at night when your second wave of creative genius hits and the looming deadline seems impossible to meet. It’s tough. But we’re here to help. And with only three days left to apply for the Collider15 Autumn programme, we want you to succeed and are going to help you get to the next level!

The application process is two-fold: the written questionnaire, and the interview. The written questionnaire is the application form on F6S you’ve been slaving over. The interview is when we’ll meet face to face. Here are some tips to help with the process.

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Written Questionnaire

Just as intimidating as a first date. Well, a virtual one.

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Check, Re-write it

Just as Daft Punk’s creepy robot says, check re-write it. The best applications have been edited by a trusted outsider. A good reviewer will make sure you’ve answered the question, breaking through your tunnel vision and taking your application to the next level.

Show me how

This is your time to shine. Investors know that putting their hard-earned cash into early-stage startups is risky. Every bit of supporting evidence that you can offer to investors decreases the risk of your business a little. How many customers have you interviewed? How many beta customers do you have? How much are brands already spending on products similar to yours? How quickly is the market growing? What is your track record in this field?

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Tell me your Problems

It’s all good fun to tell us about your business, how it works and where it fits in the market. But what makes it stand out is if you can explain the original problem. “Stand-out startups are those who can clearly articulate and amplify the specific customer pain-point that they are solving. They bring it to life and put the investors in the shoes of the customer,” so says Miles, our Startups Champion. Explain concisely and stay on point and you’ll have our attention from the get-go.

The Video 'Selfie'

Here’s where your personality comes through – it’s been nicknamed the ‘video selfie’. This is how we get a feel for you as a person, so let your personality shine through. Carl from LivingLens agrees: “The 1 minute video is key. Make sure you portray your drive, enthusiasm and stubbornness.”

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Interview Process

We like you already. That’s why you’re here for an interview. The hard stuff is almost over…

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Content: Know your Sh*t

Being prepared is of the utmost necessity. Come knowing your product backwards and forwards. Be ready to expand on your answers from your written application. Know your numbers, your competitors, your timeline inside out. Yes you’re a startup, but you’re still a professional.

We reckon you can cover everything off in 7 slides. Don’t make them text heavy, they should be presentation enhancers. Live demos are a no-no. Your tech will fall over. The internet will break. But do sneak in a screenshot or two.


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Style: Bring your Flair

When you’re presenting, keep it clear and concise. Only one person from your team should present, but make sure everyone is briefed for the Q&A. If you’re presenting, make sure you’ve rehearsed. A lot. You should be able to recite it in your sleep. Record yourself, practice in front of a mirror, or transcribe it.

Let your personality shine through. The beauty of interviews is the uninhibited communication – be confident and be yourself. Remember non-verbal communication plays a large role in your presentations, and we want to work with exciting and passionate people, not robots. Keep it real!

